Pot Pie

Yield: 6 Servings

Notes: I use the "Good Housekeeping Cookbook" recipe for Flaky Pastry.


  1. Decide what baking dishes you are going to use. I use two 8x8-inch glass dishes.
  2. Cut up the leftover poultry. Split it between the two baking dishes
  3. Cut up enough onions,celery,carrots and potatoes to fill the two baking dishes to slightly over flowing.
  4. Empty all the ingredients from the two baking dishes into a pot. Fill with just enough water to cover.
  5. Boil the ingredients until just done. Carrots seem to take the longest so test them. You can make your pie crusts while waiting for the other ingredients to cook.
  6. Heat leftover gravy, adding water if necessary but keep it thick.
  7. Drain the pot with your ingedients in it over another pot using a collander. Save the liquid.
  8. Split the cooked ingredients between the two baking dishes.
  9. Prepare enough gravy to cover the cooked ingredients in the baking dishes. Use the leftover gravy in combination with some of the saved liquid or make gravy from the saved liquid. Season with salt and pepper. Pour the gravy over the ingredients in the baking dishes and stir. Try to keep the gravy thick because it doesn't seem to thicken while baking.
  10. Cover the pot pies with the pie crusts. Flute the edges and poke some holes in the top with a fork.
  11. Bake at 400 degrees for 40 minutes. You might want to put a cookie sheet on another rack below the pot pies to catch any liquids that boil over.
  12. Let sit for a few minutes and serve.

Source: Tim Kelly and "The Good Housekeeping Cookbook"


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